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2 Corinthians 11:1-15 - A Sincere and Pure Devotion to Christ - Village Church - Sermon

15 Sept '19 Dominic Steele - What does it mean to really love those God has given you to care for? The Apostle Paul loves his church with a godly jealousy. We see this particularly as Paul warns his church of the false teaching which threatens them. It preaches a different Jesus, a different Spirit and ultimately a different gospel.

Dominic Steele shows us the passionate heart of the pastor Paul in 2 Corinthians 11 and urges us to listen to Paul's plea not to be seduced away. He also reminds us that we are called to protect those under our care from false teachers. A highly relevant passage today when so many Jesus' are being preached to church members, at so many times and through so many means.


Length: 51mins

Village Church Annandale is based in Sydney and is committed to teaching the Christian Faith as set out in the Bible. It's our desire that Village Church will build each of us up as disciples of Christ; help us to read his word daily and hear God’s word taught faithfully each Sunday. We aim to worship God at church and in every aspect of our lives. For more information and other resources go to our website.

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