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Baby Son by John Mark McMillan

From the album 'Smile In The Mystery' (Lyric Video)

Available here.

Watch the John Mark McMillan Music and Lyric Videos playlist on Clayton TV.

Length: 4mins

We thought You'd come with a crown of gold

A string of pearls and a cashmere robe

We thought You'd clinch an iron fist

And rain like fire on the politics

But without a sword, no armored guard

But common born in mother's arms

The government now rests upon

The shoulders of this baby son

Have you no room inside your heart

The inn is full, the out is dark

Upon profane shines sacred Sun

Not ashamed to be one of us

Without a sword, no armored guard

But common born in mother's arms

The government now rests upon

The shoulders of this baby son

Gloria, Allelu

Christ the Lord

We've longed for You


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