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A Long Long Long Time Ago - Awesome Cutlery

A long long long long time ago
God made a promise: he would send a king
A great great great great great great grandson
Promised to David
He would be a great king who would rule forevermore
King forever,
King for everyone
King forever
Jesus, the king God had promised has come
A long long long long time ago
God sent a prophet to describe his king
Wonderful, powerful, peaceful, eternal
He will have a kingdom
It will have no end, he is the king of everyone
King forever…
A little less long but still quite long ago
God spoke to Mary: You will have a son
The great great great great great great grandson
Promised to David
You will call him Jesus and his kingdom will not end

Length: 3mins

Awesome Cutlery is all for Jesus. Our album, featuring the dubiously-skilled superheroes Captain Awesomeness and Cutlery Boy, has 12 songs to help families and churches worship God together. For downloadable music and lyrics visit

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Keywords:ctvkids, awesome cutlery,