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Changing Lanes Course - Episode 7: Into Gear
Full of fear one day and then full of courage so soon after! You have to ask ‘where did that power come from'? Jesus gave them more than proof that he was alive, he also gave them a promise, the promise of a supernatural new power at work in their lives.
Download this episode's hint sheet here.
Length: 9mins
Changing Lanes is a 7 session evangelistic course, for older teenagers wanting to find out more about Jesus for themselves. Each session is about 30-45 minutes long, with video clips and discussion questions throughout one, pausable, episode. The course can be run by churches over several weeks or as an intensive 4 day workshop. Alternatively it can be done by individuals at home, or in a one-to-one setting.
Click here for a step by step guide to running for own course and all the episode hint sheets.
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All episode hint sheet are also available here.
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Keywords:youth, sharing faith, evangelising, seeker, study, evangelistic