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Ask Phillip - Baptised in the Spirit?
What does it mean to be 'baptised' in the Spirit? The phrase 'baptised in the Spirit' occurs 4 times in the New Testament, Phillip Jensen explains it is to do with Christians receiving the Holy Spirit in their lives once they start to follow Christ. He tackles 3 errors that are often made about this phrase such as: that you must be speaking in tongues to be baptised in the spirit or that there are two types of Christians, those who have been baptised by the spirit and those that haven't.
Length: 3mins
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In "Ask Phillip" Phillip Jensen answers tricky questions in 5 minutes or less.
Phillip Jensen is a leading Australian evangelical and previously ministered at University Church, New South Wales, the St Matthias Group of Churches and Sydney Cathedral. He now works with Two Ways Ministries and also regularly speaks at national and international churches and conferences, where he continues to model preaching the gospel by teaching the Bible. Check out further videos and free resources from Phillip Jensen at