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4 Ephesians 4:17-24 - Learn Christ, live more like Jesus - St Helen's Bishopsgate - Sermon

9 Apr 2024 Wes Illingsworth - Some look at the state of society and long for our culture to be changed by Jesus’ teaching and example. Some long to experience something beyond, something divine. Many of us have been considering, even celebrating, Jesus' death and resurrection over Easter; but what impact should the new life Jesus promised have on our day-to-day lives? Ephesians 4:17–24 helps us to see that how knowing Jesus Christ enables us to be the people God intended us to be.

Length: 26mins

St Helen's Bishopsgate is a large evangelical church based in the heart of London. Our aim as a church family is to bring glory to God in everything that we do and in all that we are. We want to know Jesus Christ and we long to make Him known, in London, and around the world. For more info, how to find us and masses of other resources check out

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