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Chapter 18 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels; Gospel of Luke: Scott Riling

Pastor Scott Riling taught the Biblical Literacy class today on Snapshots of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. He had three areas of focus:

        1) The kindness of God

A supernatural reliance on the kindness of God. Love and do good—friends and enemies—without anything in return.

Walk in the power of God with love and mercy.

         2) The strength of God

What is impossible with man is possible with God.

Total dependence and reliability on God.

        3) The loyalty of God

God is for us. Jesus is constantly interceding for us.

Listen to Scott share biblical insight into our sovereign God. Looking to His example we need to be kind, walk in God’s strength, and have our hearts loyal to God.

Length: 56mins

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Accompanying notes for this, and other episodes can be found here.

Biblical Literacy is a class taught on Sunday mornings by W. Mark Lanier in Texas, US. Mark is a top 10 US trial attorney who also holds a B.A. in biblical Languages.

