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Chapter 17 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels; Gospel of Matthew: Mark Lanier
Mark continues the Snapshots of Jesus, as found in the Gospel of Matthew. Today’s lesson focuses on interpreting and clarifying problem passages submitted by class members, Matthew 27:51-53.
Matthew 27:51: “And behold , the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.”
He discussed the meaning of this and what the separation of the curtain meant.
- All people have access to God through Jesus Christ.
- Jews and Gentiles and included in the Kingdom of God.
- The temple being Destroyed.
- God has broken forth from his Temple, Mt; 3:16 Baptism of Jesus, the heavens were open to Jesus.
- God is angry over the death of Jesus.
Matthew 27:52-53
- Death and resurrection were referred to by Paul as the Gospel.
- Put us all on notice of the power of the Gospel.
- God speaking to the power of the Gospel.
Matthew 18:5
Question was asked; Is there a special hidden meaning in the word “welcome”, in this passage:
Mark answered this, in detail, with a reference to Luke 18:17.
“You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgement.” - Matthew 5:21
Mark discusses how humanity is recognized in God’s eyes and the Bible’s clarity about how we should care about human life.
Length: 54mins
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Accompanying notes for this, and other episodes can be found here.
Biblical Literacy is a class taught on Sunday mornings by W. Mark Lanier in Texas, US. Mark is a top 10 US trial attorney who also holds a B.A. in biblical Languages.