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Chapter 17 - Snapshots of Jesus as seen through the Gospels; Gospel of Matthew: Mark Lanier

Mark continues the Snapshots of Jesus, as found in the Gospel of Matthew. Today’s lesson focuses on interpreting and clarifying problem passages submitted by class members, Matthew 27:51-53.

Matthew 27:51:  “And behold , the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.”

He discussed the meaning of this and what the separation of the curtain meant.

  1. All people have access to God through Jesus Christ.
  2. Jews and Gentiles and included in the Kingdom of God.
  3. The temple being Destroyed.
  4. God has broken forth from his Temple, Mt; 3:16 Baptism of Jesus, the heavens were open to Jesus.
  5. God is angry over the death of Jesus.

Matthew 27:52-53

  1. Death and resurrection were referred to by Paul as the Gospel.
  2. Put us all on notice of the power of the Gospel.
  3. God speaking to the power of the Gospel.

Matthew 18:5

Question was asked; Is there a special hidden meaning in the word “welcome”, in this passage:

Mark answered this, in detail, with a reference to Luke 18:17.

You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgement.” - Matthew 5:21

Mark discusses how humanity is recognized in God’s eyes and the Bible’s clarity about how we should care about human life.

Length: 54mins

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Accompanying notes for this, and other episodes can be found here.

Biblical Literacy is a class taught on Sunday mornings by W. Mark Lanier in Texas, US. Mark is a top 10 US trial attorney who also holds a B.A. in biblical Languages.

