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EMA '23: Bringing God’s Fame to all Nations and All Generations - Psalms 1-2 - James Hamilton

Our theme this year comes from the Psalms – a longing that the name of the Lord be praised from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting: Let It Be Known! In particular, that the Lord’s fame is known by all nations and to the next generation. We rejoice in the normal everyday ministry that is represented by those around us this week, here in the Emmanuel Centre – expository Bible teaching, week-by-week, in hundreds of pulpits, all around the world. Not famous, but faithful.

We thank God that the Word of truth, the gospel, is bearing fruit and increasing in the whole world. Not private, but public. May the ministry we receive this week embolden us to proclaim the marvellous thing that the Lord has done – making this crucified Jesus, Lord and Christ. Rejected, but now raised to reign until all enemies are put under his feet!

Jim has been Professor of Biblical Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville for 15 years. He has written many books, including God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment and God’s Indwelling Presence, and, most recently, his two-volume Psalms (in the Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary series). He also serves as the preaching pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church. Jim is married to Jill, and they are blessed with five children: Jake, Jed, Luke, Evie and Isaiah.

Length: 57mins

The Evangelical Ministry Assembly (EMA) is the Proclamation Trust's (PT) flagship gathering of over 1000 Bible preachers and teachers. It is for all those with responsibility for teaching and preaching the word of God in the local church. The PT recognises that such ministry is sometimes counter-cultural, can often be lonely and is always hard work. The EMA therefore is planned to both challenge and encourage preachers in the task to which Christ has called them and provide a place to meet others involved in the same ministry so that they can spur one another on.

The main aim of the Proclamation Trust is to teach the Bible to preachers in order that they can in turn teach it to others, as well as to provide a fellowship of like-minded evangelicals across the denominations for encouragement in this work. For more information see:

