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2 Samuel 12: 1-31 - The Lord's Rebuke - JPC Sermon

24 Jan '16 Ian Garrett - A challenging rebuke and an offer of loving forgiveness for those involved in sexual sin. Learn from the greatest mistake made by the Old Testament's greatest king: Nathan rebukes David for his adultery.

Length: 29mins

Jesmond Parish Church is a large evangelical Anglican church in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Do check out the services in person: they are every Sunday at 9:30am, 11:15am and 6:30pm. Everyone is welcome. The church is next to Jesmond Metro station. The church runs groups for children and youth as well as programmes for students, graduates, working people, mums and toddlers, retired folk etc. For more info, location, and other resources see the church website:


Keywords:sex, sin, polygamy, abortion, adultery, cheating, sexual sin,